5 Must-Have Pages for Your Small Business Website

Your website is a crucial part of your small business, and it should do more than just attract potential customers. It should also bring in revenue. Not having a website could mean that you’re losing out on business to your competitors.

Regardless of whether you’re an online service provider, content creator, or product-based business owner, your website should take visitors on a journey that tells your story, highlights your offerings, and makes it easy to reach out to you.

Crafting a virtual storefront that’s professional, visually appealing, and user-friendly will not only enhance your business’s credibility but also build trust with your customers!

To achieve this, it’s important to have at least five key pages on your small business website.

01. Home Page

Your homepage is like the virtual front door to your brand and business. It’s where your visitors get their first impression of you and what you’re all about. So, it’s super important to make it welcoming and easy to navigate.

Think of it as a roadmap to your website that guides your visitors to the pages that matter most to them. To do this successfully, divide your homepage into bite-sized sections that are organized in a way that leads your visitors to the next page on their journey.

And don’t forget to include clear and inviting call-to-action buttons to make their experience even smoother!

Tips on what to include:

  • Business logo
  • Attention-grabbing headline (this can be your tagline or mission statement)
  • Condensed “about” section
  • Brief summary of services/products/offerings
  • Clear calls to action (i.e. work with me, start your project, apply now, etc.)
  • Social proof (I.e. client testimonials, product reviews, etc.)
  • Email opt-in freebie or newsletter sign up
  • Highlight a featured product, service, or recent project in your portfolio.
  • Social media links

02. About Page

The about page is where the magic happens! This is where you get the opportunity to showcase your brand’s unique story, vision, and accomplishments. It’s the perfect chance to build trust with your audience and create a strong emotional connection.

Don’t be afraid to have fun—Share your “why” and give your viewers a taste of your awesome personality! It’s the perfect way to show your audience what makes you and your brand unique.

Tips on what to include:

  • Elaborate on your mission, vision, and values
  • Share why you started your business
  • List any additional qualifications that make you an expert in your industry
  • Include some fun facts about yourself
  • If you have a team, include a photo and brief bio for each person

03. Products/Services Page

This is arguably the most important page on your website! It’s where your visitors can become your happy clients or customers. That’s why it’s super important to give it some extra love and attention. You’ll want to carefully craft this page to make it as easy-to-use and informative as possible, so your visitors can find what they need and be inspired to do business with you.

Tips on what to include:

For service providers

  • Clarify who the package/service is for
  • List what is included in the package/service
  • Remember that you’re not just selling a service, but a transformation—highlight that!
  • Investment price, if non-negotiable
  • Project timeline
  • Your process, so the client knows exactly what to expect
  • Call to action (i.e. book a discovery call, fill out an inquiry form, etc.)
  • List Frequently asked questions

For product-based businesses

  • List product descriptions (if you know where the product is made, you can also include it here)
  • If beauty-based, include ingredients, user directions, any certifications such as vegan, cruelty-free, hypoallergenic, etc.
  • Display high-quality product photos at different angles.
  • Allow customers to zoom in and out on product photos
  • List customer reviews
  • List Frequently asked questions

04. Portfolio or Blog Page

Depending on the type of business you have, there are different ways to showcase your work and connect with potential clients or customers.

If you’re a service provider or creative business, having a portfolio is a fantastic way to showcase your style and previous projects to potential clients—here’s what my portfolio looks like.

This can be a huge factor in whether or not they choose to work with you! On the other hand, if you’re a non-creative business that sells products, a blog can be an excellent way to engage directly with your customers. You can use it to highlight new products, share reviews, announce upcoming launches, highlight press releases, or answer frequently asked questions.

Tips on what to include:

Portfolio page

  • Less is more-display your top projects (these can be ones that you are the proudest of—choose ones that showcase a range of your work)
  • Keep it clean, minimal, and concise
  • Add a brief project description, including what package or service was purchased

Blog page

  • The design should be clean, easy to read, and visually appealing
  • Create valuable on-brand content (find your niche!)
  • Utilize headings and photos to break up content
  • Create a consistent posting schedule, and stick to it!

05. Contact Page

This page is crucial for any business. Its purpose is to let clients and customers know how to get in touch with you! It can be as simple as listing your email and business phone number, or as robust as having clients fill out a contact form that then prompts them to book a consultation call.

Tips on what to include:

  • Preferred contact method (i.e. email, phone, inquiry form, etc.)
  • For brick-and-mortar businesses, include your address or Google listing so customers know how to get to your store location.
  • List business hours, if you have them
  • Social media links to encourage engagement or an alternative way for clients and customers to get to know you in a different capacity.

I really hope you found this post helpful in learning about the five essential pages that every small business website should have. By adding these pages to your website, you can make it look professional and interesting, which will ultimately help you get more customers.

However, keep in mind that these pages are just the beginning. Depending on your business, you may need more pages to showcase different aspects of your business or provide more information. The most important thing is to make sure your website gives potential clients and customers the information they need to make an informed decision about choosing your business over your competition.

Need a website?

If you haven’t gotten around to creating a website yet, I’d be thrilled to help you get started! And if you already have one, but it’s not quite hitting the mark, let’s chat about how we can make it work better for your business needs and long-term goals.

My website packages come with the standard five pages, but if you’re looking for something more extensive, we can always add extra pages to suit your needs. Check out our services or drop us a message through our contact form. We can’t wait to hear from you!

*Life’s too short to stress over typos! I do my best to double-check every blog post, however, I’m only human and sometimes I make mistakes. Thanks in advance for your kindness and understanding if you see any spelling or grammar errors 🙂


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