6 Questions Your Website’s Home Page Should Answer as a Personal Stylist

If you’re a personal stylist, you should know by now that your website is like your digital business card. It’s often the first place potential clients go to check out what you have to offer before deciding to work with you. So, it’s absolutely crucial that your home page is designed to convert potential clients into loyal customers. 

The question is, how in the heck do you actually do that?!

Well, lucky for you, I’ve included six key questions your website’s home page should answer to help guide you through the process.

But, before we get deep into the questions, I want to take a quick sec to touch on arguably the most important part of your homepage, which is what we web designers call “above the fold” or above the scroll. 

Why Your Personal Styling Website Home Page Needs a “One-Liner” and How To Craft Yours

Statistically, you have less than 15 seconds to capture a website visitor’s attention—15 SECONDS! That’s it! 

So it’s absolutely crucial that you make sure you’re optimizing the homepage of your personal styling website to do the heavy lifting and grab your users’ attention as soon as possible. 

The “above the fold” section includes anything that is in the very top header section of your website, basically, the information you see before scrolling down on the page.

This is why right at the top of your home page, you need a killer “one-liner” statement. This isn’t just a random catchy phrase, it’s meant to be a powerful tool to grab attention! 

According to Donald Miller,  New York Times best-selling author of Building A StoryBrand,  A good one-liner has three parts:

  1. It starts with the problem your clients face.
  2. It describes your service.
  3. And lastly, it ends with the transformation your service provides. 

It’s important to avoid vague statements like “Helping you follow your dreams and reach your full potential.” 

What does that even mean?? 

Instead, you’ll want to be specific. For example, as a personal stylist, you might say something along the lines of, “Crafting bespoke styling experiences for women eager to update their attire, enhance self-esteem, and embody their unique personal style.” 

If you’re struggling with messaging I highly recommend working with a copywriter or checking out the book I mentioned above, Building a Story Brand, to give you some ideas on how you can craft your one-liner statement. 

Okay now let’s get to the questions…

6 Questions Your Website’s Home Page Should Answer as a Personal Stylist

1. Who Are You?

I feel like this goes without saying, but just in case you didn’t know, you absolutely %1000 want to make sure that when someone lands on your homepage, they immediately know who the heck you are. Again, this goes back to that one-liner statement. 

Why it Matters: Personal styling is, well, personal.

Which means that people want to know who exactly they’ll be working with, I mean, wouldn’t you? Therefore, it’s important to make a connection with them right off the bat.

How to Address It: The easiest way to do this is to incorporate it into your one-liner statement and then also include a brief and friendly bio about yourself in another section on the page along with a great photo of yourself. 

Talk about your background, your passion for fashion, and what led you to become a personal stylist. A short video introduction is another great way of doing this as it can be super engaging and even adds an extra layer of trust between you and the person on the other side of the screen.  

Example: “Hey I’m_______, a passionate personal stylist with over ten years of experience. I started my journey in personal styling because I believe everyone deserves to feel amazing in their clothes. Whether you need a complete wardrobe overhaul or just some fresh inspiration, I’m here to help!”

Which brings us to the next question…

2. How can you help them?

People want to know what’s in it for them, right? So you’ll want to make sure that your messaging isn’t all about you, but is doing its job to speak to your ideal client. 

Why It Matters: By providing clear and concise information about your services, you’re helping potential clients understand exactly what you do and whether or not it’s what they need.

How to Address It: Include a section on your homepage that breaks down your services with simple, straightforward descriptions. 

Think about including bullet points for easy reading and don’t forget to highlight any special or unique services you provide.

**Note: Your homepage is designed to be like a mini roadmap that links out to other pages of your site that provide more in-depth information, so it’s important that you just include a brief introduction to your services in this section. 

Example Homepage Services Section:

  • In-Person Wardrobe Consultations: Let’s dive into your closet and find those hidden gems, while also letting go of what no longer works.
  • Virtual Styling Sessions: Get personalized style advice from the comfort of your own home.
  • Event Styling: Need to look stunning for a special occasion? I’ve got you covered.

3. What Makes You Different?

This is a HUGE thing I often see stylists overlook when it comes to their website, messaging, and overall marketing!

Why It Matters: There are a lot of stylists out there, so you need to show why you’re the best choice. 

What unique value do you bring to the table? 

What makes you different from other stylists in your industry? 

How to Address It: Highlight what makes your approach or services unique. 

Maybe you specialize in eco-friendly fashion, or have an exclusive brand partnership with a particular store, or a signature styling method. You’ll want to share personal anecdotes or success stories to showcase what exactly sets you apart.

Example: “What sets me apart is my holistic approach to personal styling. I believe true style is a reflection of one’s inner self. My services focus on creating stunning outfits while helping you understand and embrace your personal style identity. I also offer eco-friendly fashion solutions, partnering with sustainable brands to ensure your style choices positively impact the planet.”

4. Who Have You Worked With?

This is where you can get a little braggy 😉 Don’t shy away from promoting who you’ve worked with in the past because potential clients will want to know! 

Why It Matters: Social proof through testimonials and client case studies builds credibility and trust. 

Seeing positive feedback from past clients you’ve helped can reassure others about the quality and reliability of your services and the kind of transformation they can expect to experience when working with you. 

How to Address It: Have a section that features past client testimonials, case studies, or a preview of your portfolio. 

Before-and-after photos are especially great for demonstrating the tangible impact of your work! Be sure to include direct quotes from satisfied clients that highlight specific aspects of their experience with you.

Example Testimonial: “Working with ______ was a game-changer for me. I used to feel overwhelmed every time I opened my closet, but now I have a curated wardrobe that I love! _________ expertise and personalized approach made the whole process enjoyable and transformative. – Client Name.”

5. How Can Potential Clients Contact You?

This is a HUGE one! Obviously, if your goal is to book more clients, you’re going to want to make it crystal clear how they can get in touch with you! 

Why It Matters: Easy access to your contact information via a clear and obvious button to book a call or apply to work with you, can increase the likelihood of potential clients reaching out. 

Make it suuuuuper EASY for them! A smooth contact process is a great way to get clients in the door and reduce confusion and friction.

How to Address It: Provide multiple contact options, such as a link to book a call, an email address, and a contact form. 

You’ll want to make sure these are all CLEARLY displayed on your home page. A call-to-action (CTA) button that leads them to a detailed contact page or application form is another way of doing it. 

Example Contact Section: “Ready to elevate your style? Schedule your free consultation call (BUTTON).” 

6. What Can Clients Expect from Working with You?

Okay, not to sound like a broken record, buuuuut this is also another massively important section, so make sure ya don’t skip it!! 

When potential clients are thinking about working with you, they’ll DEFINITELY want to know what the whole experience looks like… 

Why It Matters: Setting clear expectations is key to helping potential clients feel comfortable and confident in their decision to hire you. 

When you outline your process, it not only prepares them for what to expect but it ALSO gets them excited about the transformation they’ll experience. 

By being transparent about your approach, you can ease any worries and create a sense of anticipation for the journey ahead!

How to Address It: Describe your process step-by-step. You’ll want to include what they can expect from the initial consultation call to the final styling session. 

Again, your homepage is a brief roadmap to other parts of your website, so short and sweet is the way to go. 

No one wants to be bored to death from a super lengthy process. 

Having said that, you can include something more in-depth on your detailed services page if you’d like. The most important thing is to highlight that you HAVE a process. This reassures clients that you have a structured and professional approach so they aren’t left wondering what comes next. 

Example Process Section: “Here’s what you can expect when you work with me:

  1. Initial Consultation: We’ll discuss your style goals, preferences, and any specific needs or events you’re preparing for.
  2. Wardrobe Assessment: I’ll review your current wardrobe to identify key pieces and areas for improvement.
  3. Personal Shopping: I’ll curate a selection of items tailored to your style and budget.
  4. Styling Session: We’ll try on the new pieces and create versatile outfits, ensuring you feel confident and stylish.
  5. Follow-Up: I offer follow-up sessions to ensure you’re happy with your new wardrobe and to address any additional needs.”

Ready to Get Started?

Making sure your homepage answers these six essential questions will help you attract and convert potential clients with ease. Your homepage is your chance to make a great first impression—so let’s make it count!

Ready to get started? Let’s team up! With my custom web design package I’ll help you create a homepage that not only represents you but also attracts your people. Get in touch. 

Prefer a DIY approach? Check out my Showit website template shop!! It’s perfect for personal stylists who want to create a stunning online presence on their own.


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