Building Brands and Planting Trees With One Tree Planted

Growing up in Northern California, I was lucky enough to have nature as my playground. Family camping trips were more than just a summer activity—they were a way of life. 

I remember the awe of standing beneath the towering redwoods, the feeling of crisp, clean air filling my lungs, and the peace that only the sound of the ocean can bring. 

Nature has always been my refuge, and I think that’s why seeing it under threat feels so personal.

California is no stranger to climate change. Every summer, wildfires sweep through my beautiful home state, turning forests into ashes and leaving communities devastated. 

In 2018, the small town of Paradise, just a stone’s throw from where I grew up, was almost completely wiped off the map. It was a stark reminder of how fragile our environment really is. 

Finding a Way to Give Back: Turning Passion Into Purpose

Witnessing these environmental traumas firsthand, I knew I had to do something. 

But what could I do as a brand and web designer? 

How could I contribute to the fight against climate change in a way that felt meaningful? 

That’s when the idea for Lorin Creative Co. came to life—a studio dedicated to crafting aligned designs for conscious creatives and small business owners who care about people and the planet.

My mission was clear: use the power of design to share their stories, help them achieve their goals, and contribute to something bigger than all of us.

But I didn’t want to stop at just creating beautiful brands. I wanted to give back in a way that had a lasting impact. Something that I could measure. Something tangible. 

That’s when I found One Tree Planted, a nonprofit that makes it easy for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. 

Now, for every new client I work with, I plant a tree in their honor! 

Pretty cool right? It’s a simple act, but one that feels deeply meaningful. This also goes for any product product sold in my Showit Template Shop.

What is One Tree Planted?

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that’s making it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. They team up with local communities and experts worldwide to tackle big issues like rebuilding forests after fires and floods, creating jobs, and boosting biodiversity. 

Their projects not only make a difference in nature but also help people and wildlife. Plus, many of their initiatives support the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

Want to learn more? Watch the video (below) or head to their website at

Why Trees? 

So, why trees? For me, planting trees is a simple yet tangible way to give back to the environment that has given me so much. And besides, trees are incredible!! They clean the air, filter water, provide homes for wildlife, and help combat climate change. 

In case you like the cold hard facts, I’ve summarized some benefits of trees below taken directly from the One Tree Planted website: 

Fight Climate Change:

Trees suck up CO2 and store it, helping to keep our air clean. Plus, they pump out oxygen, which is a win for everyone!

Boost Biodiversity:

California is home to 5,000+ unique plants and animals, many of which need our help. Trees provide food and homes for wildlife, making our ecosystems healthier.

Stop Soil Erosion:

With heavy rains and wildfires, soil can wash away. Trees keep the soil anchored with their roots, preventing erosion and keeping the ground in good shape.

Make Cities Better:

As cities grow, trees help cool things down, cut down on noise, and make neighborhoods prettier. They also increase property values and create awesome spots for hanging out.

Boost the Economy:

California’s forestry scene is a big deal, generating over $25 billion and creating tons of jobs. Plus, planting trees opens doors for local businesses and supplies us with wood products.

Perfect for Hammock Lounging:

Okay, admittedly this one wasn’t on the website, but let’s be real—trees are basically nature’s way of saying, “Hey, here’s a perfect spot for your hammock!” My favorite way to unwind and destress from a long week is to kick back, relax, and enjoy a good book while soaking up the calming vibes.

Plus, I mean, trees are beautiful to look at! 

I make my donations quarterly, but if you’re interested in doing something similar, it’s easy to get involved. One Tree Planted allows you to plant a tree for just $1!!

graphic that says, "you planted a tree"

It’s really cool because you can also choose a specific region that resonates with you—obviously I chose California, but there are so many different places to choose from to start making a difference literally today. 

At Lorin Creative Co., I’m committed to more than just my environmental impact, but also to consciousness and ethics. 

What Does It Mean to Be Conscious?

For me, consciousness in business is about more than just being aware—it’s about being intentional in every decision, and every action. It’s about understanding that our choices have an impact on the world around us, and striving to make that impact a positive one.

At Lorin Creative Co., I’m committed to collaborating with like-minded businesses that value accessibility, authenticity, and compassion. It’s not about being perfect (because none of us are—lord knows I’m certainly not!), but it’s about making an effort to do better, to learn, and to grow.

Taking the Ethical Move Pledge: No More Sleazy Sales Tactics

Another way I’m striving to be more conscious is by pledging to The Ethical Move. Like many of you, I’m tired of the sleazy sales tactics that seem to dominate the internet—fake scarcity, pressure to buy now, or risk missing out forever. 

It’s manipulative, and it doesn’t feel good for anyone involved. 

That’s why I took the Ethical Move pledge, which is all about marketing with integrity. The Ethical Move is a collective of businesses committed to changing the way we sell by promoting transparency, fairness, and honesty.

For me, this pledge is a commitment to myself and more importantly, to my clients. 

I want them to feel good about their investment, not pressured or manipulated. By marketing with intention and authenticity, I believe I can attract clients who truly align with my values—and that’s the kind of business I want to build.

If you’re passionate about making a difference and want to collaborate on a project that aligns with these values, let’s work together! Whether you’re interested in creating a stunning brand or exploring ways to give back, I’d love to chat!!

And if you’re inspired to take action yourself, check out One Tree Planted and see how you can contribute to environmental restoration. 

For a marketing approach that prioritizes integrity, take a look at The Ethical Move and join the movement towards a more honest and ethical business landscape.

Let’s make a difference together—one design, one tree, one ethical choice at a time 🌲



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