Finding Your Way Back: Rediscovering Your True Self in Life and Your Brand

Do you remember that scene in Hook where the iconic Robin Williams plays Peter Pan, and he returns to Neverland to save his kids after years of being away because, well… he grew up

It’s one of my all-time favorite movies.

There’s one scene that lives rent-free in my brain. In it, the Lost Boys are stuck between Peter Pan and Rufio because they don’t believe Peter’s actually Pan.

Tink’s there too, reminding everyone that Peter’s not exactly the Pan they remember—he can’t even play simple games anymore! 

Rufio, in true dramatic fashion, draws a literal line in the sand, forcing the Lost Boys to pick sides: him or Peter. 

And honestly? 

Peter doesn’t even pick himself. He’s so lost that he actually crosses the line to stand with Rufio—-yikes! Talk about a confidence crisis.

Then something magical happens. One of the Lost Boys walks over to Peter, takes off his glasses, and gives him a good long stare. Almost like he’s searching for something hidden deep within. He moves Peter’s face into a smile, smiles back, and says, “Oh, there you are, Peter!”

Cue the waterworks—every. damn. time. 

(Below you can watch the clip mentioned, but be warned, you’ll want some tissues!)

It’s such a powerful reminder that sometimes, we lose ourselves—whether it’s in life, work, or all the noise—and one day we wake up and barely recognize who we are. 

We forget what makes us tick, what brings us joy, and just like Peter, we start to doubt who we are and what we’re capable of.

Suddenly, it feels like we’ve wandered way too far from home. But then, all it takes is a little nudge—a moment, a person, something—that reminds us who we truly are.

Your Inner Rufio (AKA the Critic)

Now, let’s talk about Rufio for a second. He’s not just some flashy dude with great hair—he’s your inner critic. Yep, that voice that’s constantly in your ear, saying things like, “You’re not who you used to be. You can’t lead like you once did. You’re not capable anymore.”

And you start to believe it.

Rufio convinces you that you have to choose between who you used to be and who you are now, as if finding your way back isn’t an option.

rufio and peter pan from the 1991 movie hook

That line, “You promised never to grow old,” really hits home. 

It’s that promise we all make to ourselves at some point—“I’ll never lose sight of who I am.” But naturally, life happens, and sometimes we lose that spark. We lose ourselves.

The truth? There’s something magical about letting the world see the real you. 

But that can only happen when you stop worrying about what you should be according to society or every online guru out there and just show up as yourself—that’s when the good stuff happens. That’s when you rediscover your magic.

How I’ve Been Feeling Lately…

Honestly, that’s where I’ve been lately. Somewhere along the line, I lost my way. It happens. 

But now, I’m slowly starting to find my way back—to my true self. And let me tell you, it’s not always easy. But it is definitely worth it. 

Sometimes, all it takes is a reminder—from someone else or from yourself. And more often than not, it starts by looking in the mirror and asking yourself some tough questions. 

Unfortunately, no one is coming to hand you the answers. But as soon as you take the time to explore them, you’ll begin to realize you’ve had the answers all along. 

Here are a few questions that can help begin the journey of finding your way back to yourself:

  • What used to make me feel alive?
  • When was the last time I truly felt like myself?
  • What have I been avoiding because of fear or self-doubt?
  • Who was I before the world started telling me who to be? 
  • What would I do if I wasn’t trying to be who everyone else expects?
  • What’s stopping me from showing up as the real me, right now? 

Once you start asking these questions and reflecting on the answers, things will start to shift. You’ll start to see that your inner Peter Pan is still there—just waiting to be seen.

Practical Tips for Finding Your Way Back to Yourself

1. Stop staring at everyone else’s highlight reel.

It’s a hell of a lot easier to remember who you are when you stop comparing yourself to everyone else’s perfectly curated lives. And let’s be honest, they aren’t perfect. Buuuut it’s the story we tell ourselves when we allow our inner critic to take the wheel. 

2. Do what you loved as a kid. 

The best way to start finding your way back is to tap into those childhood activities that made you feel joy without even thinking about it—yes, that means coloring outside the lines is fully encouraged! For me, that looks like being silly, playing dress up, and writing for pleasure. 

3. Experiment without judgment.

Let yourself PLAY!!! Seriously, why do we deny ourselves the joy of play?! It came so easily as a kid, but as adults with very real problems, it’s hard to remember that it is not only okay, but very necessary. 

Seriously, get weird, have fun, don’t be afraid to mess up or try new things—who cares? Literally, no one’s grading you.

4. Make a list of what lights you up. 

Seriously, make a freaking list! Right now. I’ll wait.

Think about what makes you feel like your truest self. Then go do more of that. Simple, right? 

Having an actual list to refer back to on days when you’re feeling a little lost will act as a map for helping you find your way back. 

5. Embrace change, don’t fear it. 

Change is a good thing and it’s one hundred percent okay to evolve! In fact, it’s encouraged! 

Life, work, and even your brand—are allowed to change. The key to embracing change without completely losing yourself in the process is to figure out the throughlines that always help you stay true to who you really are at your core. 

How This Applies to Your Brand

Feeling lost isn’t just a life thing. It happens in business too—especially when your brand starts to feel like it’s spiraling out of control. 

You know that feeling, right? 

Like it’s grown into something you don’t even recognize, and suddenly, you don’t see yourself in it anymore. Totally normal, but frustrating as hell. 

If you’ve ever been there, you know the struggle of feeling out of alignment with your own brand. It’s like you built this thing, but somewhere along the way, it stopped looking and feeling like you. 

And that’s where I come in.

I help you find your way back to a brand that not only looks like you but feels like you—no more forcing yourself into a mold that doesn’t fit. (I’m looking at you boring beige. 👀) No more pretending. Just a true, authentic personal brand that makes you look in the mirror and say, “Oh, there you are!”

Ready to Rediscover Your Brand?

If you’re feeling lost in your brand or you’re ready to rediscover who you are at your core, I’m here to help. Together, we can bring you and your brand back into alignment so you can show up as your authentic self. 

You can get in touch with me here or connect with me on Instagram @lorincreative


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