The Art of Planning an Entrepreneurial Escape (And Why You Need To)

The holidays are just around the corner, and with that comes the usual rush—deadlines, projects, and the never-ending to-do lists that seem to pile up faster than we can manage. 

It’s easy to slip into a post-summer slump, staring at your screen, feeling overwhelmed, and wondering how you’ll navigate the chaos without completely burning out.

We’ve all been there. I certainly have. 

That’s why I’ve realized that waiting for the weekend or a holiday to take a break just doesn’t cut it anymore. Instead, I’ve started creating my own intentional, guilt-free entrepreneurial escapes to recharge and stay balanced throughout the year.

What is an Entrepreneurial Escape?

Simply put, it’s my secret weapon against burnout. It’s a mini-break, a pause button that allows me to step away from the grind, recharge, and come back to work feeling more inspired and energized. 

And trust me, it doesn’t have to be an elaborate week-long vacation (although, if someone wants to gift me one, I’m not saying no 👀). It can be something as simple as a day trip, a long afternoon of pampering, or even turning something mundane, like a haircut, into a luxurious, and intentional EXPERIENCE. 

Now, let me tell you how I turned my biannual haircut into my own little entrepreneurial escape.

Turning My Haircut Into a Mini Entrepreneurial Escape

Let’s talk about something I never thought I’d admit on the internet: I drive three hours round trip for my biannual haircut. 

Yep, THREE HOURS. Twice a year. And no, it’s not just because I’m lazy and only get my hair done twice a year (okay, that might be part of it). 

See, I live in a teeny tiny Petri-sized dish of a town that people sometimes romanticize as ‘charming.’ But it’s more like I hope I don’t run into anyone from high school awkward kind of small town. Not exactly the quaint ‘Gilmore Girls’ vibe people imagine. 

So, when I moved back here a few years ago, I knew I neeeeeeded to create an escape—something to look forward to. Something to GET OUT on days when work and my environment are feeling a bit too much.

My solution? 

Finding a hairstylist far enough away that I could turn the whole ordeal into an intentional adventure.

So, why do I do this?

  1. No hometown gossip: I needed a stylist who has zero idea about the small-town drama or who’s dating who.  
  2. It’s more than just a haircut: I transformed it into a self-care day—complete with pit stops for thrifting and indulging in my fave restaurants along the way.  
  3. Forcing me-time: It’s a commitment to myself. It’s my excuse to clear my head, step away from work, and come back feeling refreshed.  

And let me tellllll you, it works like a charm! 

By the time I’m back home, I feel like a whole new person. Plus, my stylist is basically a friend at this point, and we catch up on life and all that jazz (she even reads my weekly newsletter, which—heart eyes emoji—made my day when she told me!).

How You Can Create Your Own Entrepreneurial Escape

So, how can you create your own entrepreneurial escape? 

First off, you don’t have to wait until the holidays or save up for a fancy vacation. Sometimes, you just need a quick breather—something that helps you step away from the chaos, even if only for a few hours. 

Before I give you some ideas, I want to set some very important ground rules for having a successful entrepreneurial escape…

Key Steps for a Successful Entrepreneurial Escape

Step one: Make It Intentional

Don’t just randomly take a day off—plan it. Carve out time in your schedule to fully unplug and dedicate a day to yourself. This could be a day trip, a weekend getaway, or simply a full afternoon of indulgence.

Step Two: Go Solo or With a Friend 

I prefer to do these escapes solo, but if you’ve got a friend who lifts you up and helps you chill tf out, bring them along for the ride. Sometimes you just need someone to join you in your quest to escape reality.

Step Three: Treat Yourself

Whatever you do, make sure it’s something that brings you joy. It’s about YOU disconnecting from everything else and reconnecting with yourself, so I give you full permission to indulge in whatever it is that you want. 

Step Four: Make It Regular

Please, for Pete’s sake, do NOT wait until you’re burned out and frazzled to take an escape. Try to do something like this regularly to keep your energy up and your creative juices flowing.

Step Five: Romanticize It 

Even if you’re *just* getting a haircut (like me) or doing something else seemingly mundane, make it feel special. Play your favorite music in the car ride over, wear your comfiest (but cute) outfit, and let yourself enjoy the moment.

Okay, now that you know the rules, here are some ideas to help you get started…

Five Entrepreneurial Escape Ideas For When You’re Feeling Burnt Out

1. The Get Out of Town  

If you’re anything like me, sometimes you need to physically remove yourself from your workspace to truly unplug. A day trip is perfect for this. Find a charming town you’ve never explored, pack a bag with snacks and a good playlist, and hit the road.

Spend the day aimlessly wandering, window shopping, or sitting in a cute café people-watching. The change of scenery will do wonders for your creativity and give you that sense of adventure without the commitment of a full-on vacation.

2. The Self-Care Staycation

If leaving town isn’t in the cards, create a little oasis at home. Start by turning off your damn phone (or at least put it on DND)! Maybe light a few candles and make it a spa day! Whether it’s an at-home facial, a long bath, or a Netflix binge with zero interruptions, dedicate this time just to you. (Bonus points if you throw in a DIY mani-pedi—treat yo’self.)

3. The Creative Retreat

Feeling creatively fried? Switch gears and dive into something artsy. Whether it’s painting, taking a pottery class, or doodling for FUN, give yourself the freedom to create without any pressure of it being perfect. Or heck, even good at all! Sometimes, engaging the creative part of your brain helps reset the logical, business-focused side. Remember, this practice is about the process, not the outcome—and sometimes, that’s exactly what you need to reignite your passion.

4. The Nature Escape  

There’s something about fresh air that clears the mental fog like nothing else. Take a day to hike, bike, or lounge by a stream with a good book (hammock totally optional but highly recommended). Nature has a funny way of reminding us of the bigger picture, helping to release that work (and life) stress.

5. The Digital Detox 

Let’s be real: We’re always plugged in, and it’s exhausting. Sometimes, the best escape is to disconnect completely. Turn off ALL of your screens for a day, step away from social media, and focus on screen-free things like cooking, gardening, or just going for a walk. The world won’t implode if you go offline for a few hours—pinky promise!

Give Yourself Permission To Take An Entrepreneurial Escape

Remember, an entrepreneurial escape is all about giving yourself permission to take a break when you need it—no guilt allowed. It’s about creating space to recharge, refocus, and reconnect to yourself so that when you do return to work, you come back with renewed energy (and maybe even a fresh perspective). 

Whether you’re driving three hours round trip for a haircut (who would DO such a thing?) or taking a few hours to go on a screen-free walk in the park, make sure you carve out time to prioritize YOU. Because obviously you deserve it, but more importantly, when you feel good, your business feels good too. And we all want more of that, right?

So, what’s your next escape going to be? No seriously! I wanna know – after planning your next great entrepreneurial escape, hop over to Instagram and tell me about it!


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