The ‘Wrong Shoe Theory’ of Branding: Adding Personality to Your Brand

Why Personality Matters

Ah, personality—something we all possess, yet often fail to flaunt. 

Why? Because it can feel intimidating! Trust me, I get it. Stepping into the spotlight can feel alot like diving into the deep end of a pool. 

But let me tell you right now, infusing your personality into your PERSONAL brand is a non-negotiable. I see countless brands out there lacking that personal touch, and it’s a huge missed opportunity to really stand out.

For example, I see so many personal stylists starting to blend together these days—same messaging, recycled TikTok tips, and why oh why is every stylist’s brand and website so beige?! 👀

When you look like everyone else, you risk fading into the background. 

That’s not what we’re aiming for here.

And let me clarify, it’s not just personal stylists who struggle with this. Every industry battles with some form of conformity—even in design. It’s as if there’s this unwritten rulebook dictating how your brand should look, sound, and feel.

It’s soooo tempting to see another successful business and think, “I’ll have what they’re having,” copying their brand, messaging, strategy, etc., and think that it will work for you too. 

And sure, playing it safe might get you some initial traction, but embracing your true self and infusing your unique perspective into your personal brand—that’s what sets you apart. Besides, there’s only one you, and that’s pretty hard to duplicate.

Which is why in this blog post, I’m walking you through how to start seamlessly infusing your personality into your personal brand so you can do it with confidence!

Enter the ‘Wrong Shoe Theory’

Enter the ‘Wrong Shoe Theory’-–a concept borrowed from the fabulous NY stylist, Allison Bornstein. She is the perfect example of a personal stylist who is putting her critical thinking cap on to peel back the layers of the personal styling industry to help her clients think outside of the box when it comes to personal style.

I’m OBSESSED with the wrong shoe theory!!

Basically, it’s all about adding an unexpected element to your outfit by pairing it with the “wrong” shoe to create visual interest and a personal touch. 

So why not apply this same concept to your personal brand?!

Sure, it might feel a bit “wrong” at first to infuse your brand with your unique personality, especially if you’ve had your fill of the corporate world’s cookie-cutter cough stuffy cough vibes.

Buuuuut the beauty of a personal brand is showcasing YOU and what makes you different!

What’s Your Wrong Shoe? 

So….what’s your wrong shoe? Think about what makes you different as a personal stylist. What unique experiences shape your personal styling philosophy?

the wrong shoe theory explained for personal branding.

This can literally be ANYTHING that might set you apart. 

A great example is, Mac @justmacrose, a NYC-based stylist for the queer community. She brings a quirky and unexpected flair to her work by challenging traditional fashion norms with her “Really Fun Outfits” series on TikTok and Instagram. She draws inspiration from unlikely places, like the sport of climbing (so fun and random!), to get people thinking differently about fashion.

Stylists like Mac consistently showcase their unique perspectives and as a result, attract a dedicated following. By highlighting the quirky, unexpected, and personal elements of their styling philosophy, they set themselves apart. 

Think about how you can do the same with your brand!

The Plain White T-Shirt Analogy

Think of it this way—everyone owns a plain white t-shirt, but not everyone owns the SAME plain white t-shirt. Some might prefer the fit to be boxy, or closer to the body. Maybe it’s a crew neck as opposed to a v-neck. Some are made of organic cotton and others are polyblend….you get the point.

Basically, there are a million and one different ways you can shop for a plain white tee and there are a million and one brands out there that fill that need—It’s the same with your personal styling brand!! 

the plain white tee shirt analogy.

There’s a sea of other personal stylists out there, but your clients want to know what sets YOU apart. 

Why should they choose you over someone else? I guarantee if you start leaning more into your personality, then you’re going to start automatically attracting more people.

Think about it this way—you can spend $160 on a plain white tee at Tibi or you can spend $6 on one from Target

What’s the difference? Marketing and messaging. 

Target is for the everyday person who wants affordability and isn’t necessarily thinking about quality or longevity. 

But someone who shops at Tibi wants something higher-end or is willing to pay more for an elevated basic and is loyal to the brand because they resonate with what it stands for and trust that they are going to receive a higher quality product.

The key is figuring out how to stand out. It’s what you do with the plain white tee, right? How you style it or market it truly helps it stand out.

What makes you different? Is there an opportunity to highlight a “wrong shoe” in your messaging? How can you incorporate more of your personality into your brand?

5 Practical Steps to Infuse Personality Into Your Personal Styling Business

1. Define Your Unique Traits:

Start by identifying what sets you apart—your experiences, strengths, and unique qualities.

2. Spy on Your Competitors (Nicely):

Sneak a peek at what your competitors are up to. What’s working for them? Where are they dropping the ball? Identify those gaps and find ways for you to fill them. 

3. Shape Your Brand Persona:

Develop a clear, authentic persona for your brand that reflects who you are and what you stand for.

4. Maintain Message Consistency:

Make sure your messaging is the same across all touchpoints. Consistency helps build trust and reinforces your brand identity.

5. Connect Personally with Your Audience:

Engage with your audience in a way that feels genuine and aligned with your brand. Share personal stories, behind-the-scenes moments, and insights that resonate with your values.

    Bringing It All Together

    Infusing personality into your brand might feel “wrong” initially, but it’s this very uniqueness that will make your brand memorable and relatable. 

    Think about your brand as a reflection of yourself. 

    What stories, experiences, and quirks can you share that will resonate with your audience? How can you add that ‘wrong shoe’ element to create intrigue and differentiate your brand?

    Ready for More?

    If you enjoyed this blog post, you’re going to LOVE my private podcast, The Signature Brand Style, all about creating a memorable personal brand. 

    Plus, it comes with a Notion template to help you brain-dump all your thoughts and ah-ha moments. 

    CLICK HERE to subscribe and start binging the episodes at your own pace!

    subscribe to the private personal branding podcast for personal stylists

    Need additional support? 

    You can book a Brand Clarity Call with me here, or apply to work with me via my signature branding intensive.



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